Monday, July 26, 2021

7/26/21 - Today we visited two must sees if you are in the area of north west corner Nebraska. First up was Agate Fossil Beds. Note Wendy drove the truck (no camper) for the first time in 4,000 +/- miles! Woohoo!

Agate Fossil Beds NP near Harrison, NE was quite interesting. The property was originally owned by James Cook a cattleman who owned thousands of acres.On horseback, one day in the 1800's,Cook noticed what looked like a skull poking out from a cliff. Instead of digging it out himself he invited a paleontologist from Nebraska Unv. to investigate. Eventually unearthed was a 23 million old skeleton of a giant Dinohyus below. Since the initial find many more have been found.

                                                                Ancient Camel.

Next up was Scotts Bluff NP, Wy which rises 800 feet from the prairie. What is really cool the NP Service dug two tunnels in the bluff so you can drive up. Thank goodness because it was 102 degrees! (dry heat)

                                                            Views from the top.

And of course Wendy planned a full day! Last up was Ft. Laramie, Wy which could be better described as a frontier outpost. The Fort kept the peace (sort of) between the settlers and the Native Americans. Two treaties were signed at the fort-one in 1851 and then in 1868. Needless to say the settlers/US Gov't never fully honored the Treaties. Gold back in the 1860's drove many to the area and beyond to Pacific coast.

                                                        Restored infantry quarters.

                                Sights on the two hour drive back to our campsite in Nebraska. 
                                                        (Annabelle this pic is for you.)
                   Pic of high level smoke from the fires on the west coast trapped up against the mountains.       Pretty thick.


  1. Wendy, looking good behind the wheel!!

  2. Looking good Wendy !! Focused too !
    Great views from the Bluff.

  3. Camper Mike: Mollie and I missed the must see Agate Fossil Beds as we decided to drive right by as we were on a 600 mile day back to Denver. If we make it back out that way we will stop this time
