Monday, July 19, 2021

 7/19/21 - We visited the Henry Ford Museum today. The museum is more than just cars or Ford for that matter. The museum includes a collection of cars, trucks, race cars, manufacturing equipment, planes, trains and a village/farm that includes historic houses that were moved to create a town of sorts. We also toured the Rouge F150 truck plant which encompasses 2,000 acres under roof. The plant has been retooled over the last 100 years. The plant tour was very cool as we watched a new ford truck completed every 92 minutes. Due to the worldwide chip shortage there were a sea of F150's stored on lots. 

Exploded view of the model T
The weiner car

Ford GT Lemans winner
Roosevelt's presidential Car
B&O locomotive which is about 200 feet long
JFK Limo that he was shot in
50's concept house

1963 Chrysler's turbine concept car
Bonneville Salt Lake record holder at 409 miles per hour. Still holds the record for the fastest wheel powered car vs the jet engine record holders which were faster.

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