Sunday, September 5, 2021

 9/5/21- Today was Hoh Rain Forest exploration which is just about an hour away from where we are staying in Forks. Hoh is a pristine old growth forest against the Olympic mountain range. To qualify as a rainforest it must receive 100 inches or more of rain each year. Hoh gets an amazing 12 feet on average annually. Many trees are in excess of 500 years old and the ferns are as tall people, 6' or better. Today we explored several trails, Hall of Mosses, Spruce Nature trail and Hoh River Trail cocking in at 8.2 miles for the day. By the way 8 miles is about my limit.

190' tree that is down

Hoh River trail to the Mineral Creek Falls a 6 mile out and back hike was great.The trail does include a much longer extension up to 26 miles and includes 2 glaciers. Not today for us.

We have a great video of the Elk but the Blog and Chrome does not work together. In the pic below the Elk is napping.

Tonight we headed back to Rialto Beach for a sunset into the Pacific.
Huge debris pile of trees which you have to climb across to get to the beach


  1. That Hoh River Trail is the one we did, too. Beautiful. That's where the we got involved with the rangers using paintball guns to help a mother bear and her two cubs decide that living near the lake wasn't in their best interests. Fun place to hike. Sunset looks so pretty--thanks for posting that picture of the tree already changing color!

  2. So enjoying your pictures and trip descriptions! What views and the glass art walk - incredible. Wish I could be there too! 8 miles is a long hike, Mike good for you! Wendy, you picked outstanding places to see-now I have an even longer wish list.
